Our Mission


The Church functions as a helpmeet to the under-shepherd, the “man of God” who is the pastor, called by God with a vision and strategy for the local Church. The strategy includes saving and confirming of souls, and equipping of saints for the work of service and ministry. The Pastor will take these souls to heaven with him when he gives an account of his stewardship and ministry. By using the Two-byTwo-Team-Ministry Principle of Jesus in Church, the counter-productive process of reverse delegation of previously delegated authority and its responsibilities are avoided and the Ministry is more effective…


The primary purpose of Word of Life Ministries is to present the uncompromised word of God with love, integrity, and compassion for all people.

We are committed to bring change by presenting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior with a spirit of excellence. And the anointing power of the Holy Spirit.

A ministry committed to reaching mankind through relevant teaching, preaching, training, inspiring, and motivating people to change by giving them hope.


Word of Life Ministries is committed to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means at home and in foreign lands.

Establish and maintain departments and services within the church to reach lost souls and the needy.

Preserve and maintain a place for worship and fellowship of the Almighty God, our heavenly Father.